Kitty Poo Club -An Honest Review.
Kitty Poo Club is a mail-order disposable litter box and it is definitely a product I can’t live without anymore. The litter boxes are environmentally friendly, easy to set up, and easy to dispose of. The litter goes in the trash and the cardboard can be recycled.
Admittedly, I’ll be honest, I don’t scoop as often as I should. Also, I have a pet peeve about litter boxes. They are plastic and quite frankly once you get the scent of urine in the plastic it doesn’t seem to go away, no matter how often you clean out the entire box.
On a whim, I did a search on disposable litter boxes. Kitty Poo Club offered a perfect solution to my problem. It is recyclable and easy to set up the box, that is auto-delivered. I consider myself pretty frugal and at $21.99 a litter box (shipping included) finding a solution that is effective, and eco-friendly, and delivered to me, is worth it.
Easy to use
Your cardboard litter box comes compact. With ingenious packaging, the box IS the box so there is no waste. The package folds open, to a bag of extra absorbent eco-friendly litter. It includes plastic sliders to stabilize the sides. (I use the lid as a shield as Pizza is long-legged and sometimes urinates higher than expected.) You can set your reorder for three or five weeks later, and the disposal process is just as easy. I make sure it’s empty of “treasures”, slide the plastic bars off and, add them to the box, close it up place the lid back on, and toss. The box is coated and leak proof. The actual litter can be disposed of and the cardboard box can be recycled.

Different Litter Options Available
I have watched the company grow from one size litter to several options. In the beginning, silica was the only option. Today there is the original silica, but now fine-grain silica, clay, or even a soy option. (Personally, we switched to fine-grain once it was available. Pizza was tracking the silica around and despite my best efforts to stay on top of it, it was a little like stepping on a lego in the middle of the night, so we switched to the fine grain which is a little easier to sweep up. Today Kitty poo offers “catch-all mats”. In recent months Kitty poo club has expanded its selection to include domes that fit their boxes for the taller cats, also a selection of high-quality food and treats and food toppers. The company has grown considerably since we first started using their products.
I love the convenience of contactless auto-delivery. I was not a fan of purchasing heavy litter containers and unloading etc, Kitty Poo Club orders have always been on time, and I have never had a billing problem. They even have an option to go on vacation if you need to skip a month or two.
Lastly, Kitty Poo Club is a modern convenience and a time saver. A clean litter box makes for a happy cat. If you are looking for a new litter box solution for a new kitten or an older big kitty, check out Kitty poo for your litter box needs.

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