Cats and kittens,Posts What To Look For When Choosing A Rescue Cat

What To Look For When Choosing A Rescue Cat

kitten healthy rescue

Tips to consider in choosing a new cat or kitten

Getting or adopting a kitten from a rescue or shelter location can be an amazing and rewarding experience. There a a few important things to look for when choosing a rescue cat or kitten. Still, you should take a few considerations before setting out to find the kitten that you’ve wished for.
Number one, you need to decide how much time you should spend on your new family. Maybe you’re busy and need a kitten that requires a significant amount of care? Or, all you want is to open your heart more and take responsibility for adopting a special needs kitten that may have social or health issues, and may require extra time or financial resources to give your new love a shot at life?
It is admirable to rescue a neglected or abused kitten from a shelter. However, make sure you are ready for the engagement. Thus, to help you search for a new healthy kitten, keep in mind these seven signs of illness in a kitten. Again, these are not necessarily reasons to avoid a particular cat and be aware of the extra care the cat may require.

Seven important things to look for before choosing a rescue cat or kitten.

Weight: If the cat is skinny or if its ribs show, the kitten could be malnourished or sick. Conversely, an overweight cat may have been fed inappropriate food, and it may not be easy to convince him that he should eat a healthier diet. Guidance is needed to return the kitten to a healthy weight. Particularly for an overweight cat, a rapid weight loss can be dangerous. Also, if the kitten is thin, it may have worms. Medications can alleviate this condition.

Skin: Cuts or broken skin, matte or matted fur may indicate illness or neglect. Check for fleas (you may see small droppings on the surface or the skin). This can be corrected with medication, but a severe infestation can mean that the kitten is anemic, which can be a bigger problem.

Ears: If you have dirty ears or the kitten shakes its head frequently, this may be a sign of ear mites. While this can also be corrected, it often requires lengthy treatment.

Eyes: Eyes or runny nose may indicate illness or infection. The third eyelid, a semi-transparent protective sleeve that folds to the corners of the eyes closest to the nose (also called “haw”), should not be seen.

Mouth: Pale gums may indicate poor health, and redness or swelling of the gums may be an indicator of inflammation. Poor appearance or missing teeth can indicate neglect.

Respiratory: Any discharge or extreme dryness of the nose may indicate a problem. Any cough or shortness of breath can indicate a serious health problem.

Tail area: Moisture or the presence of fecal matter may suggest a disease.

It is important to have veterinarian look at and examine your new pet.

Schedule a new kitten exam and preventive care consultation as soon as possible. There are things your vet may notice that you don’t. Consider talking to your vet about microchipping or other methods of pet identification. Look for every opportunity to train your kitten into a relaxed, confident, friendly, caring and well-behaved family member. A healthy cat is a happy cat. When you look for your perfect rescue cat or kitten remember most common issues can be easily resolved. Even a healthy kitty will need your vet’s help to keep it that way.

In conclusion, it is important for you to always be on the lookout on these listed factors above if you want to choose a rescue cat, but these hints into full consideration. There are many places to begin your search. Try Adopt a pet website to find a shelter near you.

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