Did you know cats are territorial? They also really like attention, despite their reputation for being “aloof” When my cat sits on me or snuggles up against me It certainly gets my attention. These are just a few ways cats show that you belong to THEM !
It happens everytime
My cat has this innate ability to know when I am in mid thought, ready to get the laptop open and write. I do have a bad bad habit of typing with my lap top in bed, I know that is not the best thing.

I prop my pillows, snuggle with the blankets, find my glasses, my notes, and log in. Annndddd here he comes. somewhere in the few inches between my belly and the keyboard is the best place to curl up.
The second best place is the boob shelf.
I dozed off last night with this 11.5lb fur boy loudly purring, curled on my hip, like a wee little mountain goat. What a sight that must have been to onlookers, like the dog..
Why is my cat sitting on me?
It is fair to say my cat and I are bonded. All indications point to I am loved. Cats can be territorial and I am his. Snuggling, head bumps, grooming, purring, kneading, I get the full treatment. I am soft and comfortable and enjoy the company. Although not notorious for being “pack” animals like dogs are, cats do enjoy the company of others as well.
Even animals like to feel a sense of security. Cats, especially indoor cats, depend on us for everything. They know who to ask for their treats and who to remind when their bowl is too empty. We, as pet parents, are their keepers and offer love. What better way to show appreciation than to show vulnerability and affection, than a little snuggling? Animals are after all sentient beings as any cat owner can tell you.
” The definition of sentient is simply “able to perceive or feel things”. Today most of us would probably also say that animals are able to feel emotion, form attachments, and have distinct personalities. Yet for many decades the idea of animals feeling emotions or having personalities was dismissed by behavioral scientists. This strange view that arose from the 17th-century philosopher René Descartes’ alleged assertion that animals are without feelings, physical or emotional. Recent work has debunked this idea.
Even cats with a lot of fur love feeling warmth. A cat’s ( and dog’s) base temperature is higher than a human’s 100.2-102.5 and warmth from someone ( or somewhere) helps maintain their body temperature. Although you are probably the preferred way it is possible a cat’s affection for paper, plastic and boxes can also be because it helps them stay warm.
Why is my cat sitting on my laptop (again)
With a queen-sized bed available, a brand new cat bed, blankets, pillows, a special hideout space in the closet, as well as a window seat, inevitably still I find my fur-kid on the keyboard when I return to the bedroom. I can guess in part it is warm? and available? I have a different theory. OR…
Attention.. my cat loves attention.

The computer takes my attention away from him, and he knows it. If I catch him or WHEN I catch him, of course, he gets a petting and “a talking to”. It often also involved distracting him with a toy or a treat. He wins. It is fair to say I am encouraging bad kitty cat behavior, however, look at that little face! How could I say no?
Obviously, there are several valid reasons a cat likes to sit and snuggle up with their pet owners. Sitting with my cat is a mutually beneficial and enjoyable experience. It s not just a practical exercise in keeping warm, but a sweet way for your cat to show their affection towards you. Additionally, science has shown petting and bonding with a cat can relieve stress for both of you. Although it is not always convenient, when there is office stuff to do, sometimes the little fur companions know just what you need.