What to consider when choosing the best cat bed for older cats
It is important to find a cat bed for an older cat that is the right size, supportive for old bones, and orthopedic if necessary with high walls, to lean on. A comfortable bed should also be machine washable. With so many options finding a bed that will match your interior to make you happy is usually available as well.
Cats are known for sleeping up to 16 hours a day. (that’s even more than I like to sleep and I do enjoy a good long nap). Older cats and indoor cats sleep at least that much. Therefore, it is important for them to have a great place to snuggle and feel safe, warm, and comfortable. This is especially true if your feline is getting older. Cats are masters at hiding pain so it may be hard to notice if they are suffering from arthritis or other joint pain.
A comfortable calming bed for them to lounge around in is really important. I know Pizza cat needs to have his spot to retreat from the dog or to just hang out when irritated. Yes, cats get irritated, some more than others.
What to look for in a cat bed for older cats.
As much as we all know cats love to sit in boxes, Why is that?
Pet still needs their personal space. With all the different kinds of beds available, it is still easy to find a bed to fit your pet’s needs and personality. Comfort is top on the list of importance, a bed with tall sides that offer support is good, a lower entry point for the cat to climb into the bed, and a lovely place to lay or scratch their chin is a bonus. A cat bed provides, a safe haven and a warm place for cats to snuggle in.
The perfect bed for your cat should also be tailored to your older cat’s sleeping habits. Does she like to curl up? a smaller hooded bed might be what you are looking for. Conversely, for a long-legged creature like Pizza, a chaise-type bed where she can stretch out might get more use. Or perhaps if you straddle on the crazy cat lady fence as I do, more than one bed and more than one type is also an option. Seriously though, we do have different beds for different areas. With a dog at home as well, my cat needs his space, his one area that is his own territory and I get tired of sharing my pillow.
Orthopedic memory foam pet mattresses offer the ultimate support for aging pets that need a soft place to lay. It is easier on the hips and other sensitive pressure points. If your cat is overweight, or recovering from surgery this is the best option. At the very least, a thick mattress is more comfortable than a thinner one. Cats have an incredible sense of smell and occasionally find the scent of bedding material offensive. Choosing natural vs. synthetic can make the bed more appealing. They will be spending a lot of time there. A fluffy Cat bed encourages happiness and biscuit-making all day long, when she is not napping, of course.
What to consider to make your life easier?
Although we are purchasing the bed for our pet, making our job as a pet parent easier, is still something to ponder. There are several things to think about when choosing a pet bed. There are so many options today and I expect it will get a lot of use.
Make sure it is machine washable or at least make sure its cover is. A removable cushion also makes cleaning easier. Shedding happens, as do furballs as well as other mishaps. Occasionally wash a cat bed. It can get dirty in a hurry. Check labels, make sure the stuffing or cushion can be washed. Personally, I have made the mistake of washing a bed or pillow WITHOUT checking… It wasn’t pretty it became a lumpy mess. Experts recommend you wash your pet’s bedding as often as once a week to help keep dander, allergens, and odor control in check. ( be sure to use mild laundry detergent with light or odor-free scent.)
There are so many fun cool bed options. If you have an artistic eye or limited space you are sure to find something you and your cat will love. It is a good idea to make sure what you are getting matches your decor, and be out of the way. Cats do enjoy their peace and quiet while napping. Many options offer a non-skid type bottom. Although it is not a necessity for an active cat it may be a good idea.
Options are plentiful.
There are several options for a beautiful cat bed now available even for older cats, that are stylish, comfortable, and practical. Some even are self-warming or heated like this one. A self-heating cat bed is lined with insulation that can radiate your pet’s heat back to them keeping them warm. A heated cat bed needs to be plugged in. Yay ! No more sharing the heating pad!
Cat caves, and enclosed felt beds may be an option if your cat doesn’t need an orthopedic mattress. They are very funky weird-looking type cat beds. Even beds that accommodate more than one cat.
Well, the new carefully bought cat bed is here but your old guy isn’t nearly as excited as you are. Even if you bought the best cat bed for older cats available on the market, sometimes it gets ignored. Change is hard, even when it’s good for us. There are a few things you can do to entice your older pet to try out this new thing. You can try rubbing it with catnip. I have also had success putting on an old t-shirt or sweater of mine for him to snuggle with. Pizza and I are pretty bonded so my scent is comforting to him. I have used this method many times when introducing new areas for him to chill out.
Lastly, just be patient. It may take a few days to adjust. Putting a few of your cat’s favorite toys in there also helps. We all need restful sleep to remain happy and healthy, even cats. So good luck and I want pictures of your happy cats snoozing in their beds.
When shopping for a new bed for your cat, consider the following
- Ease of cleaning
- Orthopedic support
- Size compared to your cat
- Home Decor and your personal taste.
- Whether or not you need one that needs to be heated in cooler weather
A nice comfortable pet bed helps keep your cat happy and healthy. A safe space helps keep the peace and lowers stress levels.